This ChatGPT System Will 10X Your Productivity

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What if some simple ChatGPT prompts could guide you through your daily work to get more done?

I recently discovered a system that’ll boost your productivity through a magical combination of a virtual coach, breaking down large projects step-by-step, and providing positive feedback.

And even if you don’t have ADHD, learning these techniques will pay dividends forever.

Virtual ADHD Coach

So, I came across this really cool idea on Reddit the other day, and I just had to share.

It’s about using ChatGPT as a virtual ADHD coach, which can help people be more productive. The whole concept is pretty simple but super effective, and it’s been a game-changer for a lot of people who tried it.

Here’s how it works:

  • The AI coach asks you about your goals and what tasks you want to get done.
  • Then, it organizes these tasks for you and checks if you’re cool with the order.
  • The fun part comes next, when it adds a fun twist to each task to make it more enjoyable.
  • You can then let the AI know how you’re doing with your tasks or tell it when you’re done.

The secret sauce here is using the 4 C’s of ADHD Motivation:

  • Captivate (make it interesting and engaging),
  • Create (add novelty or a creative twist),
  • Compete (introduce a challenge or competition), and
  • Complete (set an artificial deadline to do a certain amount of the task by a particular time or date)

By making things interesting, adding some creativity, introducing challenges, and setting deadlines, the virtual coach keeps you motivated and on track.

One of the best things about this AI coach is its super upbeat and exciting personality. It makes the whole process a lot of fun, and people find it really helpful.

If the original prompt seems too long, don’t worry, there’s a shorter version below that you can edit and modify to fit your needs.

Just play around with different versions of this prompt, to create the perfect one that works for you.

This virtual ADHD coach is an awesome way to use AI like ChatGPT to help you to:

  • Get unstuck
  • Stay focused
  • Get things done

Give it a try & let me know how it works for you!


Hack For Procrastination

If you struggle with procrastination, Nick Dobos suggests a simple hack that can help you get more done.

In a tweet, he suggests copying and pasting your to-do list, or the task you are avoiding, and asking ChatGPT to break it down into smaller steps.

Even if the task seems trivial, this can save your brain the processing power and kickstart you into action with way less effort.

By focusing your mind and pre-visualizing the work, ChatGPT can help you plan the steps necessary to complete the task.

To get started, simply:

  • Take a screenshot of todo app
  • Use screenshot OCR to scrape all the text – I use Copyfish
  • Copy paste unformatted text into chatGPT
  • Ask ChatGPT to break things down into smaller parts
  • Ask for estimates of each step (insight & guidance)

From there, ask ChatGPT to break the task down into smaller parts and provide estimates for each step.

This hack is a great way to overcome procrastination and get more done, especially for those who struggle with planning and visualizing their work.

PROMPT: To Do List Manager & Scheduler

PROMPT: Create Task List & Planning Bot

What if you don’t have a task list and only have a single high level task to start with? For example, to create a YouTube video? 

No problem. I’ve made a prompt just for that.

Positive Feedback Bot

In this video clip Chris shares a story about how he and his buddy used to encourage each other with an “attaboy” for simple chores around the house because they knew that positive feedback was important.

Inspired by this idea, they decided to take it a step further and build a bot called

This bot allows you to text or WhatsApp a quick message about something you finished, and receive a custom response back, celebrating your success and encouraging you to keep up the good work.

I was inspired to create a similar tool to spread positivity and encourage people to reach their goals.

I present to you the Uplift-o-matic 3000, a positive feedback and encouragement bot.

Share your achievements or accomplishments, and receive a warm and uplifting response that celebrates your success and inspires you to keep reaching for your goals.

And who knows, it may even challenge you with a motivational quote or task to keep the positive momentum going.

PROMPT: Uplift-O-Matic 3000