ChatGPT Jobs Apocalypse: Will GPT-4 Take Your Job?

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Like most people, you’ve probably been wondering: “Will ChatGPT take my job?”

In February 2023, surveyed 1,000 U.S. business leaders to see how many companies currently use or plan to use ChatGPT.

They found that:

  • 49% of companies currently use ChatGPT
  • While 30% of companies plan to start using ChatGPT…
  • With 85% of those are planning to do so within the next 6 months
  • 48% of companies using ChatGPT say it’s already replaced workers
  • 90% of business leaders say chatGPT experience is a beneficial skill for job seekers

Now every week there seems to be a new breakthrough in AI.

With the release of the even more powerful GPT-4, we find ourselves at the precipice of what could become an “AI Jobs Apocalypse.”

It’s easy to get caught up in the fear that our jobs will soon be replaced by machines.

But will robots really wipe out our jobs, render our skills obsolete, and take over the world?

In this article, you’ll discover the real story behind AI and job displacement.

And how you can not only survive, but thrive in this ever-changing landscape.

Moore’s Law for Everything

On the 16th March 2021, Sam Altman the CEO of OpenAI wrote an article called: “Moore’s Law for Everything

In this article he argues that:

Software that can think and learn will do more and more of the work that people now do.

In the next five years, computer programs will read legal documents and give medical advice. 

In the next 10 years, they will do assembly-line work and maybe even become companions. 

And in the decades after that, they will do almost everything, including making new scientific discoveries that will expand our concept of “everything.”

He concludes that:

This technological revolution is unstoppable. And a recursive loop of innovation, as these smart machines help us make smarter machines, will accelerate the revolution’s pace.

That sounds a lot like the robots will take over! 

But luckily most of that is 5-10 years away – right?

Sorry, but that’s where you’re WRONG!

Sparks of AGI

Roughly one year after Sam Altman wrote that article…

On the 27th March 2023, OpenAI released a bombshell paper called: “Sparks of Artificial General Intelligence

They showed that GPT-4 can perform various tasks such as mathematics, coding, vision, medicine, law, and psychology without any additional instructions. 

They concluded that…

GPT-4’s performance is similar to humans (even better in some cases), beating previous models such as ChatGPT. 

This suggests that GPT-4 could be considered an early version of an artificial general intelligence (AGI) system.

“We demonstrate that, beyond its mastery of language, GPT-4 can solve novel and difficult tasks that span mathematics, coding, vision, medicine, law, psychology and more, without needing any special prompting. 

Moreover, in all of these tasks, GPT-4’s performance is strikingly close to human-level performance, and often vastly surpasses prior models such as ChatGPT. 

Given the breadth and depth of GPT-4’s capabilities, we believe that it could reasonably be viewed as an early (yet still incomplete) version of an artificial general intelligence (AGI) system.”

But that’s not all…have you heard of the technological singularity?

This idea is based on the belief that once an AGI system is developed, it could improve upon itself and become exponentially more intelligent, leading to a rapid increase in machine intelligence.

But surely that’s all fine as long as this intelligence doesn’t take on human form – right?

Autonomous Humanoid Robot

I’m sure you already guessed the answer…

On the 4th March 2023 announced a contender for a humanoid embodied AI.

This company with $100 funding says: “Figure is the first-of-its-kind AI robotics company bringing a general purpose humanoid to life… The world’s first commercially-viable autonomous humanoid robot”

It has five hours of electric battery life, can carry 20kg, and walks at around 4.3km/h (1.2m/s). 

This will be the missing piece between post-2020 AI models (language, visual, multimodal models) and physical embodiment.

On their website they say that: 

“Over time, humans could leave the loop altogether as robots become capable of building other robots — driving prices down even more. 

This will change our productivity in exciting ways. 

Manual labor could become optional…and higher production could bring an abundance of affordable goods and servicescreating the potential for more wealth for everyone.”

Only, I’m just not so sure about that last statement.

More and more reports are coming out with dire predictions about the effect AI, robots and automation will have on jobs.

OpenAI Report

On the 23rd March 2023, OpenAI released a report concluding that 80% of the U.S. workforce could have at least 10% of their work tasks affected by AI.

And for 19% of workers, a whopping 50% of their functions could be impacted.

The effects will span all wage levels, but higher-income jobs potentially face greater risk.

They suggest that critical thinking skills will be more important in future…

So it’s probably best if you start developing those.

Our findings indicate that the importance of science and critical thinking skills are strongly negatively associated with exposure, suggesting that occupations requiring these skills are less likely to be impacted by current LLMs. Conversely, programming and writing skills show a strong positive association with exposure, implying that occupations involving these skills are more susceptible to being influenced by LLMs.”

Goldman Sachs Report

In another report released on the 26th of March 2023, Goldman Sachs predicts that as many as 300 million jobs could be affected by AI.

They also say that about two-thirds of US, jobs are exposed to automation by AI, replacing about 50% of their workload.

An even scarier stat is that about 7% of US jobs could be completely replaced by AI.

Those are some huge numbers, and they’re only based on what we know about AI technology today!

Pause Giant AI Experiments: An Open Letter

Of course, this is causing some significant backlash, like this open letter that calls for a pause on AI development for at least 6 months.

Almost 3000 people including Elon Musk & Steve Wozniak have signed.

And the number of famous tech bros on the list is growing by the day.

But as the well-known futurist, Ray Kurzweil said:

You can’t stop the river of advances. 
These ethical debates are like stones in a stream. 
The water runs around them. 
You haven’t seen any of these technologies held up for one week by any of these debates.”

How To Save Your Job From AI

So how can you go about saving your job from AI?

First, start learning about the technology and what it is capable of.

You must get uncomfortable and get used to learning new things.

There is loads of knowledge available on the internet through online courses.

I also really enjoy Twitter for research and of course YouTube for learning.

Plus you can find some awesome communities online, like Discord and Slack groups.

Remember that those who fail to learn new skills risk being replaced at some point – it’s just a matter of time.

Next, think about the tasks you do in your job & ask yourself: 

  • Where am I wasting time?
  • What can AI do faster?

Then use AI to increase your productivity to focus on higher-level or more creative tasks.

This will allow you to outcompete your competitors with your newly found free time.

Lastly, focus on creativity and human connections.

Human creativity & the ability to connect with others will never be a commodity.

And specialists who are great at what they do are still going to be needed.

So are 4 tips that’ll help you to protect your job from AI:

  1. Focus on your strengths
  2. Use AI to enhance your skills
  3. Make it a habit to keep up with advancements in AI
  4. Be ready to accept failure & learn from your mistakes 

And don’t forget the bottom line:

It’s only a matter of time before weak performers in the job market are wiped out by AI.

So get ahead of the trend and start learning more about AI today!

First, sign up for a free OpenAI account and start experimenting with ChatGPT.

Then you can watch my video on ChatGPT Prompt Engineering that’ll take you from beginner to expert in just 8 minutes.